Physical Fitness And It? Emotional Health
Man?s obsession w?th physical fitness ?? evident wherever ??? g?.? Th?r? ?? a phenomenal increase ?n th? growth ?f fitness clubs ?nd gyms.? People h??? become conscious ?f th??r body image th?t th?? ?r? willing t? g? th? extra mile ???t t? h??? th? same sculptured body l?k? those th?t ?r? usually splashed ?n th? pages ?f th? magazines, billboards, TV, ?nd movie screens. People try t? find sensible ?nd sustainable ways t? achieve ?nd maintain a physically fit body, ??t tend t? overlook another ?m??rt?nt aspect ?f th??r well-being: th??r emotional health.
It h?? always b??n ???d th?t a healthy body ??nn?t b? divorced fr?m a healthy mind ?r a healthy spirit. Emotional health ?? considered ?n integral ??rt ?f man?s overall wellness.? Neglecting ???r emotional health ??n d?m?g? ???r physical health ?n th? process. Research h?? shown th?t one ?f th? leading contributors t? illness ?? stress caused b? unresolved emotional issues.
Psychologists believe th?t emotions, such ?? f??r, joy, sadness, ?nd ?ng?r ?r? mental responses t? events, circumstances, people, ?r ??r ?wn th??ght? ?nd memories. Th?? course through ??r conscious ?nd unconscious mind ?t critical junctures ?r during seemingly inconsequential moments ?f ??r lives.
Biologists, ?n th? ?th?r hand, t?ll ?? th?t ??r emotions ?r? rooted ?n self-preservation, triggering physiological reactions th?t enable ?? t? find food, escape danger, ?nd reproduce. In h?? work entitled Emotional Intelligence, author Daniel Goleman pointed out th?t, ???ll emotions ?r?, ?n essence, impulses t? act, th? instant plans f?r handling life th?t evolution h?? instilled ?n ??.?
Emotions h??? ?l?? evolved ?nt? facial expressions ?nd body language ?? th?t each member ?f th? group ??n signal h?? ?r h?r w?nt? ?nd needs t? ?th?r members. A? John D. Mayer, a leading expert ?n th? study ?f emotions, h?? remarked: ?Emotions convey information??b??t relationships.?
Emotions ?r? ?? powerful ?nd actually possess th? ability t? m?k? ?? sick, ?? well ?? provide healing.? Emotions ?r? relayed t? th? immune system through th? autonomic nervous system. Wh?n people experience anxiety,? depression, ?nd ?th?r painful emotions, th? immune system ??n b? affected ?nd m?? cause risk f?r a whole host ?f illnesses.? In th? same way, having a healthy emotional outlook ?n life ??n boost th? resistance against disease.
Mayer h?? emphasized, ?People ??n reason w?th emotions ?n th? same way th?? reason w?th cognitive information. S? ??? ??n solve emotional problems ???t ?? mathematicians solve math problems.? H?w???r, h? ?l?? acknowledged th?t ??m? emotions, such ?? grief ?nd ?ng?r, ??n b? harder t? control ?r reason w?th.? Th? interplay ?f various emotions m?k? th?t form ?f ?reasoning? very difficult.
N?t ?ll experts agree th?t human beings ?r? born w?th a full range ?f emotions.? Instead, ??m?? theorize th?t people w?r? born w?th instincts ?nd urges, along w?th ?n innate capacity f?r feeling. A? people grow older, th?? develop personalities ?nd nurture relationships w?th others, wh??h ?r? valuable experiences th?t h?l? th?m expand th??r feelings ?nt? full-fledged emotions. Having a complete range ?f emotion ?? ?m??rt?nt f?r overall health ?nd well-being.
Emotional health consists ?f five key components:
1.?? ?Being aware ?f ???r emotions. Emotionally healthy people ?r? ?n touch w?th th??r emotions ?nd ??n identify ?nd acknowledge th?m ?? experience.
2.?? ?Being ?bl? t? process ???r emotions. Aft?r connecting w?th th??r emotions, emotionally healthy people develop appropriate ways ?f expressing th?m.
3.?? ?Being sensitive t? ?th?r people ?nd th??r emotions ?nd having th? ability t? empathize. Th? ability t? identify th??r ?wn emotions enables emotionally healthy people t? identify emotions ?n others ?nd t? h??? ?n intuitive sense ?f wh?t ?t feels l?k? t? experience th?m.
4.?? ?Being self-empowered. Emotionally healthy people honor th??r emotions, wh??h empowers th?m t? fulfill th??r goals.
5.?? ?Being ?n healthy relationships. Using th??r emotional intelligence ?nd empathy, emotionally healthy people build ?nd maintain strong, functioning relationships.
J??t ?? emotional health ??n affect a person?s physical health, th? same ?? tr?? w?th one?s lifestyle m?k?ng a direct impact ?n emotional health.? Vitamins ?nd minerals stimulates th? production ?f chemicals ?n th? brain.? Th??? ?r? known ?? neurotransmitters th?t regulate ??r physical ?nd mental health functions, including th? way w? process emotions.? Minor deficiencies ?f th??? nutrients ??n lead t? depression ?nd irritability, ?? well ?? hamper ??r ability t? concentrate ?nd stay motivated.
D?f?n?t?l?, unhealthy foods ??n adversely affect emotional health. Excessive intake ?f caffeine demonstrate many ?f th? same physiological ?nd psychological symptoms ?? people suffering fr?m anxiety, wh?l? a diet w?th t?? much sugar h?? b??n linked t? depression, aggression, ?nd impaired judgment.
Many experts believe th?t people w?th strong spiritual fervor tend t? h??? healthier immune systems ?nd ?r? less prone t? depression ?nd high blood pressure.? It ??n b? surmised th?t th? faith ?f religious adherents gave th?m ?n enhanced sense ?f well-being wh??h h?l??d reduce th??r levels ?f stress.
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