Friday, May 27, 2011

Communicate Your Feelings in Goal Setting | Self Improvement

Many people drive on the highway of life without having some kind of destination in mind. If you do have a plan, then hats off to you. First consider if things in your life are going along as planned, if they?re not, then what are you going to about it. Sitting around complaining is not the solution. One must look deep within themselves and ask the tough questions why things are not progressing as planned. It?s tougher to reach a destination without firstly planning.

Planning plays a crucial role in all stages of life. Remember when you were younger, going to school was a plan for you from your parents and of course the government. As planned you progressed through the various grades all the way to college of instead graduation into the working world. So many continue to stop planning after school. That should be the time to wrestle the control of your own life?s dashboard and take it in the direction you want to go for yourself. Planning will focus you on reaching your goal.

An essential part of life should be achieving one?s goals. There?s a reason most self-help sources encourage you to write your goals down. The process of writing out and plotting a course of action stimulates the brain. It?s important to note your exact feelings as you make your plan, remind yourself exactly why you are doing it.

Many may write down their goals, but it may be wise to go one step further and communicate the feelings on paper about the importance of reaching your goal. Write down what it means to you to reach your goal so if things get real tough on the journey, you can remind yourself what it means to succeed in your quest. It may give you the extra boost to keep pushing towards your goal.

Communicating your feelings on paper as you write out your goals make them that more effective. It?s easy to just cast your written goals aside when things may get tough on your journey. However if you remind yourself how much you really want to achieve your goals, then you can re-assess you felt before about reaching your goal. Mental toughness plays an important part and may be the difference between achieving your goal or not.

We have to imagine that many people are born with incredible talent. However in a world where you are not alone in that aspect, it?s going to take a little more to get to where you want to be. It?s obvious if you notice around you, talented people are everywhere, the motivation and drive to succeed is what really counts. So take into consideration whenever you write down your larger goals, to also communicate your deepest thoughts and feelings.

The wonderful process of writing your goals down on paper triggers your brain into overdrive, especially if it?s big vision goals. You can break down your larger scale goals into measurable parts to really stimulate your brain into finding steps to process your dreams into reality. You can reward yourself along the way as you hit measurable milestones. It will let you know whether you are still on track and it will set the goal apart from pie in the sky illusions.

Just think to yourself that even with big vision dreams, half the job is at least having a plan. The rest is letting your mind find a way. If you look around you at all the wonderful things that make our lives easier, all the marvelous inventions and technological advances, it all began in someone?s head. Find the passion and motivation to achieve your dreams regardless of challenges. Add your name to the list of those who beat the odds.

Learn more about Self-improvement, Henry Okwo is serial entrepreneur and will help you get started on your Personal Development to help you reach your goals.


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